
Voting app
Game of Life
Conway's Game of Life
Roguelike Dungeons Crawler Game
Roguelike Dungeons Crawler Game
Random Quote Machine FCC Project
Random Quote Machine
Recipe box thumbnail
Recipe box
Bar chart with D3
Data Visualization: Bar Chart with D3
Tribute Page FCC Project
Tribute Page
Simon Game
Simon Game
Calculadora FCC Project
Pomodoro clock FCC Project
Pomodoro Clock
TicTacToe FCC Project
Ta Te Ti
Wikipedia Viewer FCC Project
Wikipedia Viewer
Local Weather App FCC Project
Local Weather App
Twitch TV
Markdown previewer
URL Shortener App
URL Shortener Microservice
Image Search Abstraction Layer
Image Search Abstraction Layer
Timestamp Microservice
Timestamp Microservice
Request Header Parser Microservice
Request Header Parser Microservice
Leaderboard, Free Code Camp Challenge
Free Code Camp Leaderboard
File Metadata Microservice
File Metadata Microservice


" I don't know anything, but I do know that everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."


I am a learner. A full time, life time one. I am curious and I love to read, code, solve problems, and learn.

Soy aprendiz, estudiante. De tiempo completo, para toda la vida. Soy curiosa, amo leer, programar, resolver problemas y aprender.

Mi estas lernanto. Plentempe, vivdauxre. Mi estas scivola, mi amas legi, kodigi, solvi problemojn kaj lerni.
